Monday, February 28, 2011

February Mosaic

1/6th of the way there! 16% completed. Two months down 10 more to go.

A few things I've learned so far
1. I think I prefer finding shots as opposed to staging them. Perhaps staging is a skill I should work on since I don't go out every day to take photos.
2. I like taking photos in larger batches instead of feeling like I have to save that idea for another day's photo.
3. I'm getting bolder. I am starting to pull over when I see a shot or ask random strangers if I can take their picture.
4. Trying to force something instead of enjoying it and relaxing can show in the pictures.
5. Gimp/photoshop are calling but until now I have been reluctant to use them. I may have to break down and really learn how to use them.
6. Ducky looks cute doing just about anything. ;)


  1. So have a nice combo of b/w and color. You're learning a lot. Cant wait to see what the next 16% brings you.

  2. I'm using picnik to make my feb. mosaic, but it's taking so freaking long because I have to upload all of the pics. Is that the program you're using or do you use something else? Can you believe we've already finished 2 months?

  3. P- Thanks. I can't wait to see your first mosaic (if you dicide to do one)! I can help you make one, if you want.

    M - Nope can't believe it's been two months! I'm so proud of us (all three of us) for doing this and sticking with it. It's definitely been harder than I thought. But, If I must say so, we've all had some really great photos and experiences so far.

    Collage/mosaic - I used If you make a february folder in flickr, bighugelabs will just grab the pictures from that. Save the collage to your computer then upload the whole collage to picnik to add text or a frame. It didn't take me very long to make mine.
